How To Improve Conversions For Your Health Website
If you're a marketer, a website owner, or a business owner trying to get your health website popular with your audiences, you're likely going to want to focus on good design and aesthetics. If you're the kind of brand that has services and products featured on a site, however, you might want to make sure you're focusing on your overall conversions. This is actually something that is very achievable given the right time, effort, and resources - and making sure your site is optimized for conversions can greatly help your health website shine. This article will explain just how it works.
It's important to remember that while getting prospects to your website is a priority, you should spend just as much time getting your landing pages optimized for conversions. Interestingly, it appears all websites experience conversion problems - but this has much less to do with conversion being "out of the trend" but more on people not being able to figure out their most optimal conversion strategy yet.
Interestingly, 22-percent of marketers are the only ones satisfied with their conversion rates, with almost all companies in the top 10-percent of the market look for three (3) to five (5) times higher conversion rates - when the usual website conversion rate is just 2.35-percent.
However, making appealing landing pages do seem to work once done right. In fact, long landing pages tend to create up to 220-percent just as more leads compared to those with above-the-fold calls to action (CTAs). Moreover, businesses that have more than 40 landing pages did generate 12-times more leads than those with just 10-percent of this number.
In fact, while landing pages tend to have an average of 11 form fields, three (3) is actually the optimal number. In fact, reducing those 11 forms to four (4) can result in a jump of as high as 120-percent in terms of conversions.
Health Website: Improving Your Conversions
With the above in mind, it's important to remember that steps on how to improve conversions for your health website don't immediately arrive in a snap. Sites such as Studio 56 take careful steps on planning and execution in order to pull off strategies optimized for conversions, and as should you. Here are some steps in order to be able to accomplish this:
● Make sure you're aware of your brand's problems first: Perhaps you should first assess what's making it hard for you to gain conversions in the first place. Try conducting interviews with prospects who eventually became customers - or perhaps even a random person - and ask if they'd buy your product, and if not, why. Perhaps there's something they're objecting to - such as price, lack of understanding, or lack of relation - that might make them hesitate to rely on your brand. This allows you to at least be aware of what needs explanation on your site in order to increase conversions.
● Make sure your value proposition is clear and compelling: It's very likely your brand entered the market because it wants to fulfill a need others haven't. Or perhaps you want to fulfill a need in such a way that other brands weren't able to do so. It's through this "goal" that you create your core values, and it's through communicating these core values that you can make people more attracted to your site. Answer - what's in it for them? Why buy from you? If you only have 10 words to explain your point, you have to explain it in the most compelling way possible, and spread the word throughout the rest of your branding. Sometimes starting from a qualitative and non-numbers point of view can actually leverage your brand to be more powerful when generating conversions.
● Make sure your internal sales funnel is clear: Sometimes, you might think you're not getting enough conversions but you're getting enough views for blogs. This doesn't mean your conversion efforts failed, but you may have perhaps lacked the oversight to properly establish the point of your goals in the first place. Remember, when your product is complicated or expensive, the more time leads need in order to be converted into customers. As such, you need to be precise in elaborating just what happens in each step of the sales funnel. When you target a specific "need" of your audience, how will they become "aware" of your site and your brand? What can help generate "interest," and what can secure "sales" for your brand? For instance, the "need" to learn about DIY gadget repair can be met if your customers become "aware" of your course (what you're offering). You can increase this awareness by offering free blogs, videos, and reports, which hopefully slowly gains their "interest." You can eventually offer them the "sale" by constantly offering them discounts or properly explaining perks of availing your course to your leads.
● Make trust a cornerstone of your sales: People are more inclined to buy from you the more they know you're legitimate. Try to make it a habit to always get testimonials, proper citations, reliable source material, and peer-reviewed journals as sources of your information. Show that there's a physical address, an actual phone number, or a picture of your real office in order to prove your eligibility. Try to get to highlight the specialization of your brand in a way that doesn't "rub" it in.
● Make sure your aesthetics and design are on point: A poor website can spell doom for conversions, especially if it's not optimized to handle such. Try to make sure your website design aesthetics match your brand - such as common iconography, logos, and color schemes. Also, be sure your website loads properly and all images get shown in the right places. An attractive website can make people lean towards your site.
● Make sure you eliminate the jargon and make everything simple to understand: Unless you're catering to an advanced language crowd, avoid the jargon and instead offer your brand in a way that even a sixth grader would be enticed to buy from you. Remember, when you make content for people, you make content for people who actually read your site. Don't write for the competition or the companies out there, but rather write for the people around you. Be clear and precise with what your intentions are with your content, and think about your audiences first. Readers are more inclined to read and share content that piques their interest, or they think is relevant to others.
● Make processes much easier to handle: When you want your site to be trustworthy to get conversions, try making sure your site is easy to buy from in the first place. Try to limit your fields and make shopping lists and carts accessible. Don't give them too much options on navigation as it might overwhelm them. Build better filters so they know just what kind of products they want to search from instead of showing a ton of options they won't have the time to sift through. Don't also force users to register to your site as well, but rather try to find a mechanism to allow them to avail your service as guests - or perhaps just have them connect with social media.
● Make sure you try out pages with A/B testing: If real estate is all about picking the right location, conversions are all about the right tests. Given that Google and other search engines aren't giving their algorithms away for search engine optimization (SEO), and given consumer behavior is unpredictable, one of the best ways to achieve improved conversions is to do A/B testing. Whereas you ordinarily just test a single improvement in your website (e.g., a new landing page), you tweak separate elements and try out two versions of the same item, and check which ones gets the best performance. The goal here is to have multiple A/B tests on your sites in order to test multiple branding and marketing combinations, so you're always on the top of your game whenever you do get to try conversion tactics here.
Conclusion: Conversions Take A Bit Of Imagination To Cover
Any website can experience considerable difficulty improving conversions through their marketing, but perhaps health websites have it extra difficult because of their nature. After all, you can't exactly just convince someone to attend to your practice with a snap just because you have a pretty website or pretty materials. If there's anything the above can share, it's that it takes more than just aesthetics to make sure your health website has improved marketing for conversions. It really takes a bit of imagination, proper planning, and execution to succeed.
How To Improve Conversions For Your Health Website
Reviewed by Awesome Blogs
11:24:00 AM

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