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Computer based test – A Complete Detail

Computer based test or CBT as it is mentioned in short is a test which has to be performed using a computer. In case of multiple choice questions, the candidate has to use a mouse to select the correct option. One can move across different questions by clicking the next and previous arrows appearing on the screen. In the case of different sections, a tab would be available to select the desired section. The computer-based test is widely gaining impetus due to its multiple functionality and ease of performance.

Why a computer based test is better than written OMR based test?
When one considers written test it used to involve a lot of human error, the checking of papers making of the result and then selection would make the work process more lengthy and tedious and sometimes due to such a lengthy process it was sometimes error-prone and time-consuming. On the other hand, a computer process is easy to organize human errors are not involved, and instantaneous score evaluation is possible. Thus to hire the candidates, the companies have started opting for computer-based test overwritten tests.

Types of computer-based tests

A computer-based test can be modified on the request of the company’s recruitment policy and companies wish of making the test in a certain way. The test can be made easy, moderate or tough it can be made of multiple choice questions type or practical type. It can be modified and sections according to company requirement can be added or changed.
One type of computer test is multiple choice question type of test in this test; a company can select the questions it wants to add in the test according to its requirement. The company then selects topic and difficulty level of the exam depending upon the post which it is recruiting the candidate for. The questions can be made easy-moderate or difficult depending upon the company requirements and negative marking may also be carried out if the company requires so, to add an extra level of toughness to the test.

Another type of test is a practical examination, in which the candidate appears for the examination is made to perform a certain problem where their technical knowledge and the knowledge of the system can be judged. This test is mainly of the practical type where the person is required to perform the problem and creating a solution out of it. Time taken to solve the problem or a certain task is noted, and marks based on these criteria are given according to the solution obtained.

The examination can be of mixed type as well where the candidate is required to answer MCQs and solve the practical problems as well. This kind of examination is divided into different sections. These different sections carry different marks and time is separately allotted for different sections as well. When results are to be calculated all these factors can be taken into account, and the score of each candidate be judged.

The test involving different topics in different sections can be created where every topic is intensively covered separate topics are allotted separate marks, and the time allotted for performing the exam is divided according to separate sections of the test.

How is computer-based conducted?

When a company decides to opt for a CBT to be included in the hiring process, there is a process to follow. There are many companies which professionalize in performing these computer based test for the recruitment process for different companies. The process involves the following steps:

The first step is to start the registering process; registration page is created on the internet where candidates willing to appear for the examination fill their respective details. A registration form has to be created where candidates can fill their basic as well as educational details; selection criteria should be specified on this webpage which would make it easy for the candidate to select which job they want to apply for, according to their qualification.

The second step is preparing the test, the subject of the test and topic on which it will be based should be decided its format and sections should format according to company’s requirement. Whether the test should be divided into sections, it should be a practical one or an MCQ based should be decided by the company.

The third step is to conduct the examination- the venue has to be decided for conducting the examination. The place should be big enough to fit in all the candidates, the computer system in proper working conditions should be made available to all the candidates who wish to appear for the examination. If the number of candidates is high they can be divided into different slots and timing or venue or both of the examination can be changed. A team of experienced proctors should be present at the examination centre to solve any technical problem if it arises and also keeps a strong vigil on the candidates performing this examination to keep it free from malpractices.

Next step is of providing scores and results of this test as it is a computer based test scoring can be done easily and instantaneously as the test gets over, but result formation takes time as a number of data of candidates have to be compared on different criteria for forming a result.

The computer-based test ensures transparency in the recruitment process makes the job of recruitment easy for the company thus more and more companies are opting to go for the CBT process for recruitment of candidates.
Computer based test – A Complete Detail Reviewed by sandeep on 3:49:00 PM Rating: 5

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