Tutorial For Creating Your First WordPress Site. | I'M FROSTY

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Tutorial For Creating Your First WordPress Site.

WordPress is one of the most popular content management system (CMS) that helps the users to create the dynamic websites and blogs. With the help of this open source CMS, it is possible for the users to update, edit and remove any content from their website without any trouble. It also enables them to customize their website in appearance and use. Those who are new to WordPress can check out the tutorials to learn the basic steps for using WordPress effectively. At the reliable websites, you will find that the tutorials for WordPress are divided into several sections that make it very convenient for the users to learn about each part of WordPress.

WordPress Tutorial | I'M FROSTY

Prerequisites for Learning about WordPress

It is generally expected that users have basic knowledge about HTML and CSS. If you do not know about these, then you should learn it first before getting started with WordPress. There are several themes and plugins also which you can purchase at Bigrock.in. If you do not know much detail, then you should at least have knowledge about the terms common with HTML and CSS.

Installation of WordPress

The foremost question of the users for getting started with WordPress is that how it could be installed.   For using the WordPress, you need to download the WordPress package on your web hosting account. Then, follow the below mentioned guidelines for its complete installation:
  • After download of the WordPress package, you are needed to upload the WordPress files and folders to your server.
  • Next step is to create a MySQL database and allot a user to it. Check on full permission option.
  • Keep a note of the username, password and database name that you have just assigned because these will be required at the time of final installation
  • Last step is to click on the installation icon. You will be asked to create a configuration file before proceeding to install. Once, you have created a configuration file, WordPress will be installed on your server.
Learn to Create the WordPress Site
Users can learn step by step process for creating the WordPress site so that they are able to manage their posts, add or remove multimedia files, organize the posts and comments. To begin with creating the WordPress post, you are needed to first login to their WordPress account. Click on post and then click on add new. A page will pop up that has two main parts, post title and post content. In the column of post title, you have to write the title of your post and in the column of post content; you need to write the main content of your post. There are options available for formatting of the text so you can make it more impressive.

Add a Theme to Your WordPress Site

Several free and paid themes are available for making your WP sites impressive and attractive. You can select any theme on the basis of your choice or the purpose for which WP site is created. You can get Bigrock 99 domain coupons. After selecting the WP theme, you have to upload theme for your post.  It will enable to set the background along with multiple other tools that give an ease to the users to visit your blog or website.

There are many more things to learn about working on WordPress for creating site and blog. You can get the tutorials from the official website of WordPress. You might also like to read How To Easily Migrate WordPress Blog From One Host To Another Fastest Way Possible ?
Tutorial For Creating Your First WordPress Site. Reviewed by Unknown on 1:20:00 PM Rating: 5


  1. Hi, can you please help me to edit wordpress theme i have same theme like you and i want to make my theme to full size, can you tell me how can i do it, do you have any zoom css code for it please also check my website for the reference Tech2Post

    1. sure, I can help you with that.. kindly contact me and provide me more details At : hardik@imfrosty.com


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