Top Tips to Improve Website Speed / Performance. | I'M FROSTY

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Top Tips to Improve Website Speed / Performance.

When you are designing a website you have to think about website speed. The facts back up this point. Amazon found that they received increased revenue of 1% with every hundred milliseconds enhancement in their site’s speed. Similarly Wall Mart founded 2% conversion increase when they improve their website speed by one second.

Internet Speed

Pingdom and GTmetrix, very popular online website speed test tool, found that one second delays in load times of websites led to a decrease in the satisfaction of customers to the tune of 16%, 7% less convergence, and over 10% less website page view views. There is no doubt that speed test website is important,

Our expectations of websites have changed over the years as well. We now have much faster broadband than we did in the past and therefore we have gotten used to supercharged website speeds. Almost 50% of us expect that a website should load within 2 seconds. Almost 40% of people will leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Over 50% of shoppers state that there brand loyalty is heavily dependent on the speed of a website they are interacting with. All of these statistics from showed just how important website speed is to the consumer. Please take a look at some ways that you can build your website so that it is faster, whether you are building from scratch, or using an online site builder service like Blogger.
  1. Reduced HTTP requests : Around 80% of websites load time comes from downloading all of the different component parts of a webpage. Every time that a different component, such as a style sheet, a script, an image, or a flash is called, a HTTP request is generated. By streamlining the number of request you make you can dramatically reduce website load times. You should use CSS in place of images wherever possible and combine style sheets so that you have less HTTP requests.
  2. Minify Scripts : Scripts are highly responsible for poor performance of you're website so reduce amount scripts in webpage.  Minify JS, CSS, HTML, PHP for rocket launching speed of you're website. Well foramatted code might be good to you're eyes but minify is necessory.
  3. Compress your elements : Normally webpages that really are filled with useful information are well over 150 kB. Unfortunately this can lead to slow performance. There is a technique named compression that enables you to reduce the amount of bandwidth consumed by pages and therefore speed up the pages themselves. One tool is called gzip. If you can reduce the load on your servers then you will drastically increase your website speed. Take a look at this article to find out more about gzip compression
  4. Optimize your images : There are 3 main aspects of your image that you need to take into account. You should think about the SRC attribute, the size of the image and the format.
    • The SRC attribute : You need to ensure that your code is correct. Try not to have any empty SRC coats. If there is no SRC codes then your browser will immediately make a request for information which will consume more resources and reduce the flow of your webpage.
    • Your image format : JPEG is your best image option in most cases. PNG can also perform well, but is not supported so well by some of the older browsers on the market. Gifs are only really usable for very simple graphics where there are very few colours. Avoid using tiffs and BMPs altogether.
  5. Think about your real estate : It stands to reason that the first content that will be served to your visitors is the above the fold content. You should therefore think about this as it is crucial for the real estate to get loaded first. In most cases you don’t want to split your CSS code, and improving CSS delivery will improve performance. However, if you can serve the above the fold content fast it can provide an excellent experience for you users even if the rest of the page takes a little longer to load. Think about splitting the code so the above the fold elements load first.
  6. Think plug-ins : In 2016 around 50% of new websites will be built in WordPress. WordPress provides the superb functionality of plug-ins, through which we can enhance our websites immeasurably. However, as you add plug-ins your website they take time for the page to load. Deactivate plug-ins that are not used, and delete them if you can. In this way you can dramatically improve the speed of your website, especially if there are lots of plug-ins currently adding to your load time.
Final thoughts : There are other ways to improve website speed load times but these offer you a great way to get going. Some of them are fairly simple, whereas some are more advanced. When you're using CMS' like blogger where Minify plugins are not available then you can use CloudFlare. It protects website from malicious attacks and improve website speed. You might like to get some advice from a web developer, we might want to get online and read some tutorials. Google developers provide some really good information to help you improve the performance of your site. Take your website load speed seriously, as Google is now using it as part of their ranking algorithm. If you can get your site speedy, visitors will enjoy it.
Top Tips to Improve Website Speed / Performance. Reviewed by Hardik Pandya on 3:56:00 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. If your visitors are from different countries, you should use cdn. It's the best way to improve loading speed for all these people. You can use cloudflare or paid variants like akamai and and you will get better google ranings, because site loading speed is important ranking factor.


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