Write A Python Program For Creating Virtual File System on Linux Environment. | I'M FROSTY

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Write A Python Program For Creating Virtual File System on Linux Environment.

============ Python Program ============

Virtual file system VFS.

import shelve
import system

fs = shelve.open('filesystem.fs', writeback=True)
current_dir = []

def install(fs):

         # create root and others
    username = raw_input('What do you want your username to be? ')

    fs[""] = {"System": {}, "Users": {username: {}}}

def current_dictionary():
    """Return a dictionary representing the files in the current directory"""
    d = fs[""]
    for key in current_dir:
        d = d[key]
    return d 

def ls(args):

    print 'Contents of directory', "/" + "/".join(current_dir) + ':'

    for i in current_dictionary():

        print i

def cd(args):

    if len(args) != 1:

        print "Usage: cd "

    if args[0] == "..":
        if len(current_dir) == 0:
            print "Cannot go above root"
    elif args[0] not in current_dictionary():
        print "Directory " + args[0] + " not found"

def mkdir(args):
    if len(args) != 1:
        print "Usage: mkdir "

#To create an empty directory there and sync back to shelve dictionary!

    d = current_dictionary()[args[0]] = {}

def pwd(args):

    print d[-1]

def quit(args):

COMMANDS = {'ls' : ls, 'cd': cd, 'mkdir': mkdir,'pwd':pwd,'quit':quit}


while True:
    raw = raw_input('> ')
    cmd = raw.split()[0]
    if cmd in COMMANDS:

#Use break instead of exit, so you will get to this point.
raw_input('Press the Enter key to shutdown...')

============ OUTPUT ============

[Root@localhost ~]$ python vfs.py What do you want your username to be? user1
> ls Contents of directory /: System Users > cd Users > ls Contents of directory /Users: user1
> cd user1
> ls
Contents of directory /Users/user1:
> mkdir dir1
> cd dir1
> pwd
> quit
[Root@localhost ~]$
Write A Python Program For Creating Virtual File System on Linux Environment. Reviewed by Hardik Pandya on 3:47:00 PM Rating: 5

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